Replacing thermometer and heater wiring in Fridge4. The plan is to convert 3-wire measurements to 4-wire ones (and use new computer-controlled LakeShore resistance bridge), add low-pass filters.
Following wires are to be done:
Six cables LEMO FGG.2B.316 to DSUB 25, with same pinout compatable with LakeShore resistance bridge. Each one contains eight RG174 coaxial lines inside the single copper shield. Four cables have length 150 cm, they should go to the resistance bridge scanner mounted on the cryostat flange. Two has length 300(?) cm, they go directly to the device rack.
Copper shield (12x2.3mm): RSN(365-559), plastic cable wrapping (I.D. 10.3mm): RSN(811-7695)
A box with vacuum-tight connectors for 6*16 = 96 wires to be put on the cryostat flange.
Filter boards was ordered in (20x130mm, FR4 1.55mm, 76EUR for 12 boards): KiCAD project, Gerber files for ordering.
Screw-in KF16 flange and 50 cm metal hose was ordered in Flange central hole was drilled to 10mm diameter.
Six cables with 8 twisted pairs in each, Eureka wire, 40swg (0.122mm), length about 200 cm, resistance 86 Ohm/wire. Harwin M80-85016* connectors on both sides (see also here).
Main feedthrough parts have been done in ULT workshop: 7mm CuNi tube with sharp edge, brass adapter hard-soldered to the tube, small vacuum can for testing. Plastic parts have been done later by me.
Connector boards was ordered in (56x44mm, FR4 1.55mm, 73EUR for 12 boards): KiCAD project, Gerber files for ordering.
Wires was organized in 6 bundles with 8 twisted pairs each and soldered to the connector boards (Harwin M80-85316 16-pin connectors). Feedthrough was filled with Stycast-1266 and pumped. It would be better to pump Stycast twice: before and after filling.
Connector block inside the vacuum can was done using a standard matrix PCB (RSN(391-7232)), soldered to a copper holder.
Lines were measured using a decade resistor at room temperature. Resistance bridge excitation 1 $\mu$A, frequency: 9.8, 13.7, 16.2 Hz. Filters works up to resistance 1 k$\Omega$: