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Cumbria Way, Carlisle - Ulverston Cumbria Way, Carlisle - Ulverston
4-5 июня 2023 4-5 June 2023

A perfect 100km+ route: Carlisle - Ulverston along Cumbria Way. Good transport, nice places (not only Lake District mountains, but also rivers and woods in the north and hills in the south), place to eat and drink in the middle, in Keswick. It's possible to add or skip many big mountains. I added Skiddow, Bow Fell, and Man of Coniston.

I started in Carlisle at 13:10, watched sunset at Skiddow, had a dinner in Keswick, met sunrise at Esk Pike, finished at 16:00 in Ulverston. 109km, 3860m, 26:50.
Трек на карте...Track on the map...