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SQUID NMR setupSQUID NMR testing setup

A very slow project, testing setup for SQUID-based NMR spectrometer. We used SQUID from PTB and a simple $^3$He cell. I was also learning how to calculate and make solenoids with superconducting shields and how to use lathe (the first holder for RF coils was glued from paper and later versions are machined from plastic).

NMR magnet (made 14.5.2013)
NMR magnet (made 14.5.2013)
First version of RF coils
First version of RF coils
Second version of RF coils
Second version of RF coils
new holder for RF-cols (GRP plastic)
new holder for RF-cols (GRP plastic)
assembled setup (all sides)
assembled setup (all sides)
upper flange of the dipstick
upper flange of the dipstick
cell flange
cell flange
SQUID board
SQUID board
board with added capacitors
board with added capacitors
new RF coil former
new RF coil former