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Database list

V.Zavjalov, 2020

I keep most of experimental data in a home-made databases, Each database record contains a timestamp and multiple numerical values or text.

Data are collected to databases located on experimental computer and then syncronized with server (usually with a 5-minute period).

Grafana web-interface is available on port 3000, Example, Fridge2 temperature measurements during January 2020:

Simple HTTP interface is available on different ports, depending on the cryostat. For example, ICTA (inner cell thermometer) database, January 2020, with 2-hour distance between points:

SSH read/write interface is also available.

Scripts for parsing Bluefors, Magnicon, Criomech, etc. logfiles and transferring data to databases are located in

Table of contents

DryDemag cryostat, Aalto university. Port: 8085

Data for Bluefors dilution refrigerator temperatures and pressures, from 2013-02-06 to 2020-03-20, Magnicon SQUID-based noise thermometer, 2014-02-26 to 2019-09-02 , NMR and other data for the HPD experiment (June 2018).

Graphana page for dilution refrigerator, noise thermometer data, comments:

Graphana page for NMR data:

DB nameDB typedescription
FLOAT Resistance bridge, channels 1..8. 1 column: resistance [Ohm], from Bluefors log files
FLOAT Resistance bridge, channels 1..8, 1 column: temperature [K], from Bluefors log files
chan TEXT Valves and switches status string. Comma-separated names and 0/1 values (example: "4,v11,0,v2,0,v1,0,turbo1,1,v12,0,v3,0,v10,0,v14,1,v4,0,v13,0,compressor,0,v15,1,v5,0,hs-still,1,v21,1,v16,0,v6,0,scroll1,0,v17,0,v7,0,scroll2,1,v18,1,v8,0,pulsetube,1,v19,0,v20,0,v9,0,hs-mc,1,ext,1"), from Bluefors log files
events TEXT Valves and switches on/off events, extracted from chan database. Example: "v14 on"
flow FLOAT Circulation of the dilution refrigerator [mmol/s], from Bluefors log files
gauge FLOAT Dilution refrigerator pressures [mbar]. 6 columns: vacuum can, still tube, condensing line, scroll out, tanks, service line. From Bluefors log files
temp FLOAT Magnicon SQUID-based noise thermometer. 2 numbers: T[K], ??, from Magnicon logfiles. (old log files were lost, data for year 2013 was collected from different sources).
temp_corr FLOAT Corrected temperature of He3 during HPD experiment. Temperature difference between helium and nuclear stage is taken into account. 2 numbers: T[K], ?? (same as in temp database). See
comments TEXT Manually-added comments (added with add_comm program). Automatic comments about heat switch magnet sweeps (sweeper program)
demag FLOAT Demagnetization magnet sweeps. There was no computer interface for the power supply. Values was addad manualy, from 15.01.2018 to 2.7.2018 (HPD experiment) using add_demag_int program. 3 columns: start current [A], stop current [A], rate [A/min].
demag_c TEXT Demagnetization magnet sweeps, human readable comments generated from demag database
demag_v FLOAT Demagnetization magnet value, 1 column, current [A], generated from demag database. To be used for getting current at any moment.
fork_jp DOUBLE J-P. K. pulsed fork measurements. 4 columns: freq [Hz], 1/tau [1/s], amplitude [V], phase [rad]. x100 Femto amplifier + Pico oscilloscope were usually used for measurements. Recorded by fork_pulse program. At some point both forks were measured together with a double-fork program, there should be 8-column data somewhere. This fork was measured for a short time, only for test.
forkp_jp FLOAT J-P. K. pulsed fork measurements. Excitation parameters, 4 columns: freq [Hz], cycles, p-p amplitude [V], oscilloscope scale [V].
fork_vz DOUBLE V. Z. pulsed fork measurements. 4 columns: freq [Hz], 1/tau [1/s], amplitude [V], phase [rad]. x100 Femto amplifier + Pico oscilloscope were usually used for measurements. Recorded by fork_pulse program. This fork did not work durimg main HPD experiment. In some early cooldowns it was used to see how the cell is filled with helium.
forkp_vz FLOAT V. Z. pulsed fork measurements. Excitation parameters, 4 columns: freq [Hz], cycles, p-p amplitude [V], oscilloscope scale [V].
heater_4K FLOAT 4K heater (50W heater, used for warming up the cryostat). 2 numbers: voltage [V], power [W]. written by heater program.
heater_mixer FLOAT Mixing chamber heater. 1 or 2 number?. I do not remember how I filled this database.
heater_ns FLOAT Nuclear stage heater. 2 numbers: voltage [V], power [W]. Written by heater program.
volt_coldamp FLOAT Cold amplifiers voltage. 2 columns: voltage [V], zero?. Written by heater program.
pcell FLOAT Cell pressure [bar]. Entered manually.
nmr_cal DOUBLE NMR calibration (exc_gain, exc_angle [deg], comp_gain, comp_angle [deg]). Written by nmr_meas program.
nmr_gen FLOAT NMR generator parameters (exc_amp [V], exc_ph [deg], comp_amp [V], comp_ph [deg]). Written by nmr_meas program.
nmr_lockin FLOAT NMR lockin parameters (range [V], tconst [s]). Written by nmr_meas program.
nmr_res FLOAT NMR resonance measurement (frequency sweep). 3 numbers: F[Hz], X[V], Y[V]. Written by nmr_meas program.
nmr_q FLOAT NMR resonance measurement (fit of the frequency sweep). 2 numbers: frequency of the resonance [Hz], Q-value? As I remember, there was no accurate fit at that time. Written by nmr_meas program.
sweep_hs FLOAT Heat switch solenoid. 3 columns: measured current [A], set current [A], voltage [V]. Written by sweeper program.
sweep_hs_a TEXT Heat switch solenoid, human-readable comments about current rumps (e.g. "sweep up with rate 0.001 A/s"). Written by sweeper program. Note that some high-level comments (HS on/HS off) were also written to the comments database.
sweep_main FLOAT Main NMR solenoid solenoid and NMR data. 5 columns: measured current [A], set current [A], voltage [V], X[V], Y[V]. Written by sweeper program.
sweep_main_a TEXT Main NMR solenoid, human-readable comments about current rumps (e.g. "sweep up with rate 0.001 A/s"). Written by sweeper program.
sweep_grad FLOAT Gradient solenoid. 3 columns: measured current [A], set current [A], voltage [V]. Written by sweeper program.
sweep_grad_a TEXT Gradient solenoid, human-readable comments about current rumps (e.g. "sweep up with rate 0.001 A/s"). Written by sweeper program.
sweep_quad FLOAT Quadratic-field solenoid. 3 columns: measured current [A], set current [A], voltage [V]. Written by sweeper program.
sweep_quad_a TEXT Quadratic-field solenoid, human-readable comments about current rumps (e.g. "sweep up with rate 0.001 A/s"). Written by sweeper program.
sweep_helm FLOAT 4th-order field solenoid (was not really used). 3 columns: measured current [A], set current [A], voltage [V]. Written by sweeper program.
sweep_helm_a TEXT 4th-order field solenoid, human-readable comments about current rumps (e.g. "sweep up with rate 0.001 A/s"). Written by sweeper program.
leak DOUBLE Some random lead detector data

FinCryo cryostat, Aalto university. Port: 8088

Data for Bluefors dilution refrigerator temperatures and pressures, from 2014-08-17 to 2019-04-30.

Graphana page for dilution refrigerator:

DB nameDB typedescription
FLOAT Resistance bridge, channels 1..8. 1 column: resistance [Ohm], from Bluefors log files
FLOAT Resistance bridge, channels 1..8, 1 column: temperature [K], from Bluefors log files
chan TEXT Valves and switches status string. Comma-separated names and 0/1 values (example: "4,v11,0,v2,0,v1,0,turbo1,1,v12,0,v3,0,v10,0,v14,1,v4,0,v13,0,compressor,0,v15,1,v5,0,hs-still,1,v21,1,v16,0,v6,0,scroll1,0,v17,0,v7,0,scroll2,1,v18,1,v8,0,pulsetube,1,v19,0,v20,0,v9,0,hs-mc,1,ext,1"), from Bluefors log files
events TEXT Valves and switches on/off events, extracted from chan database. Example: "v14 on"
flow FLOAT Circulation of the dilution refrigerator [mmol/s], from Bluefors log files
gauge FLOAT Dilution refrigerator pressures [mbar]. 6 columns: vacuum can, still tube, condensing line, scroll out, tanks, service line. From Bluefors log files

NanoY cryostat, Aalto university. Port: 8087

Data for Bluefors dilution refrigerator temperatures and pressures, from 2012-09-19 to 2019-03-21. Compressor data from 2018-11-26 to 2019-02-15.

Graphana page for dilution refrigerator data:

Graphana page for compressor data:

DB nameDB typedescription
FLOAT Resistance bridge, channels 1..8. 1 column: resistance [Ohm], from Bluefors log files
FLOAT Resistance bridge, channels 1..8, 1 column: temperature [K], from Bluefors log files
chan TEXT Valves and switches status string. Comma-separated names and 0/1 values (example: "4,v11,0,v2,0,v1,0,turbo1,1,v12,0,v3,0,v10,0,v14,1,v4,0,v13,0,compressor,0,v15,1,v5,0,hs-still,1,v21,1,v16,0,v6,0,scroll1,0,v17,0,v7,0,scroll2,1,v18,1,v8,0,pulsetube,1,v19,0,v20,0,v9,0,hs-mc,1,ext,1"), from Bluefors log files
events TEXT Valves and switches on/off events, extracted from chan database. Example: "v14 on"
flow FLOAT Circulation of the dilution refrigerator [mmol/s], from Bluefors log files
gauge FLOAT Dilution refrigerator pressures [mbar]. 6 columns: vacuum can, still tube, condensing line, scroll out, tanks, service line. From Bluefors log files
compr FLOAT Cryomech compressor data. 6 columns: low pressure [bar], high pressure [bar], water in temperature [C], water out temperature [C], gas temperature [C], oil temperature [C].

Prototype cryostat, Aalto university. Port: 8093

Data for dilution refrigerator temperatures, from 2017-07-13 to 2018-12-07.

Graphana page:

DB nameDB typedescription
FLOAT Resistance bridge, channels 1..8. 2 columns: resistance [Ohm], temperature [K]. From cryostat logs.

Rota cryostat, Aalto university. Port: 8086

NMR data (bindat files) from year 2001 (check the data!). Forks K, L, E data (2011-2017)

Graphana page (bindat):

Graphana page (forks):

DB nameDB typedescription
bindat FLOAT 1008589537.476562500 0.58700001 1005.4 1006.154 0.36725199 1.07356 1861.88 1862.307 2.7194901 -0.97419697
rotafork1-demag_K FLOAT Fork K CW fits: 3 columns: F[Hz], dF[Hz], A[V]
rotafork1-demag_L.db FLOAT Fork L CW fits: 3 columns: F[Hz], dF[Hz], A[V]
rotafork2-demag_E.db FLOAT Fork E CW fits: 3 columns: F[Hz], dF[Hz], A[V]

Muki cryostat, Aalto university. Port: 8092

Empty folder.

Fridge2, Lancaster, Port: 8091

ICTA, OCTA, MCTF from 2019-01-30 to 2020-03-25. Separate fits of both components. 14 columns: drive, heightX, widthX, frequencyX, height*width/drive X, fit errorX, backgroundX, DVM, heightY, widthY, frequencyY, height*width/drive Y, fit error Y, background Y. Would be good to refit everything using both components.

Graphana page:

DB nameDB typedescription
icta DOUBLE ICTA (inner cell tantalum wire), 14 columns (see above)
octa DOUBLE OCTA, (outer cell tantalum wire), 14 columns (see above)
mctf FLOAT MCFT, (mixing chamber tuning fork), 14 columns (see above)
comments TEXT Manually-added comments (with add_comm program)

Fridge4 2019, Lancaster, Port: 8084

RUN1: 17.12.2019 - 23.01.2019. Testing the cryostat.

Graphana page (dilution fridge):

Graphana page (bath resistors):

Graphana page (MCTA wire):

Resistance bridge -- RUN1

Resistanse bridge 16 channels. Each database contains 3 columns: resistance [Ohm], temperature [K], power [W].

DB nameDB typedescription
R1K FLOAT 1K-pot original thermometer.
R20MK FLOAT 20mK-plate original thermometer.
RHE02 FLOAT HE2 original thermometer.
RHE04 FLOAT HE4 original thermometer.
RHE06 FLOAT HE6 original thermometer.
RHE08 FLOAT HE8 original thermometer.
RHE10 FLOAT HE10 original thermometer.
RMC FLOAT Mixing chamber original thermometer.
RSTILL FLOAT Still original thermometer.
RUN1: PT1000 at 1K pot.
RUN1: PT1000 at 20mK plate.
RUN1: RuO 1.2 kOhm resistor (Farnell:2447275) at 20mK shield. Stop working after some time.
RUN1: RuO resistor (marked "F.4 MC 11/2016 38 Ohm") Lowest SMB connector on Mix.Ch.
RUN1: RuO resistor (marked "F.4 outer cell 11/2016 66 Ohm"). Magnetic connector on Mix.Ch.
RUN1: PT1000 at Mix.Ch. (silver wire to V connectors)
RUN1: Speer 47.8 Ohm (grinded to 109 Ohm) on Mix.Ch., same location as PT1000
RUN1: a short measurement of vertical GRM sensor (NVE AA002-02e), Mix.Ch. leg.
RUN1: a short measurement of radial GRM sensor (NVE AA002-02e), Mix.Ch. leg.

Bath resistors

First column: resistance [Ohm], second column: temperature [K] - it was added later and probably will be removed when calibration will be put in output filters

DB nameDB typedescription
Rbath01 FLOAT Bath resistor 1 (94 cm from 4K flange).
Rbath02 FLOAT Bath resistor 2 (74 cm from 4K flange).
Rbath03 FLOAT Bath resistor 3 (55 cm from 4K flange).
Rbath04 FLOAT Bath resistor 4 (39 cm from 4K flange).
Rbath05 FLOAT Bath resistor 5 (22 cm from 4K flange).
Rbath06 FLOAT Bath resistor 6 (0 cm from 4K flange).
Rbath07 FLOAT Bath resistor 7 (dewar bottom).
Rbath08 FLOAT Bath resistor 8 (magnet1).
Rbath09 FLOAT Bath resistor 9 (magnet2).
Rbath10 FLOAT Bath resistor 10 (94 cm from 4K flange)

MCTA wire

DB nameDB typedescription
sweep_mc_wire FLOAT Wire magnet. 3 columns: measured current [A], set current [A], voltage [V]. Written by sweeper program
sweep_mc_wire_a TEXT Wire magnet, human-readable comments about current rumps (e.g. "sweep up with rate 0.001 A/s"). Written by sweeper program.
wire_magnet_r FLOAT Magnet resistance [Ohm] measured during cooldown (datameas program).
wire_mc_pulse DOUBLE Pulsed measurements (were not used much). 3 columns: freq [Hz], 1/tau [1/s], amplitude [V]. Recorded by fork_pulse program.
wire_mc_pulse_par FLOAT Pulsed measurements (were not used much), parameters. 4 columns: excitatin frequency [Hz], cycles, p-p amplitude [V], oscilloscope scale [V].
wire_mc_cont FLOAT CW frequency sweeps. Frequency [Hz], X[V], Y[V]
wire_mc_sweeps FLOAT CW frequency sweeps, start/stop times. See graphene/scripts/graphene_sweeps
wire_mc_cont_gen FLOAT CW measurements, generator settings. 5 columns (3 last are zeros): freq [Hz], amplitude [V], phase, compensation amplitude and phase. Written by nmr_meas program.
wire_mc_cont_lockin FLOAT CW measurements, lockin settings. 2 columns: scale [V], time constant [s]. Written by nmr_meas program.
wire_mc_fits FLOAT CW fits: 13 columns (as in the fit_res program): fit accuracy; x shift value and error; y shift value and error; x driving force value and error; y driving force value and error; rezonance frequency, value and error; resocacne width, value and error.


DB nameDB typedescription
bath_diode FLOAT Bath diode, 4K flange
still_diode FLOAT Still diode
comments TEXT Manually-added comments (with add_comm program)
demag_curr FLOAT Demag magnet current, PS voltage output [V]
demag_heat FLOAT Demag magnet persistant switch heater [V]
demag_volt FLOAT Demag magnet voltage [V]
he_level FLOAT Heliul level [V]
heat_mix FLOAT Mixing chamber heater: voltage [V], power [W]
heat_still FLOAT Still heater: voltage [V], power [W]
plog FLOAT Pressure logs from the pressure-measurement computer. 10 columns: 1 - ?, 2 -?, 3 - condensing line, 4 - still tube, 5 - ? ...

Fridge4, Lancaster, Port: 8095

Experiment with aerogel demagnetization, starting from 2021. RUN2..RUN22, Cell-2020..cell-2022.

Graphana page (dilution fridge):

Resistance bridge

Resistanse bridge 16 channels. Each database contains 3 columns: resistance [Ohm], temperature [K], power [W].

DB nameDB typedescription
R1K FLOAT 1K-pot original thermometer.
R1K2 FLOAT 1K-pot second thermometer.
RSTILL FLOAT Still original thermometer.
RSTILL2 FLOAT Still second thermometer.
R20MK FLOAT 20mK-plate original thermometer.
R20MK2 FLOAT 20mK-plate second thermometer. Removed before RUN20
RHE02 FLOAT HE2 original thermometer.
RHE04 FLOAT HE4 original thermometer.
RHE06 FLOAT HE6 original thermometer.
RHE08 FLOAT HE8 original thermometer.
RHE10 FLOAT HE10 original thermometer.
RHE102 FLOAT HE10 second thermometer.
RMC FLOAT Mixing chamber original thermometer (inside MC).
RMC2 FLOAT Mixing chamber second thermometer (on silver wire outside MC). Shows all external heat leaks to the silver wires
GMR1 FLOAT GMR sensor (usually above HS magnet).
GMR2 FLOAT GMR sensor (below/inside HS magnet for cell-2020).

Room-temperature values for all thermometers. Data added manually and used in calibration filters

DB nameDB typedescription
R1K_RT FLOAT 1K-pot original thermometer.
RSTILL_RT FLOAT Still original thermometer.
RSTILL2_RT FLOAT Still second thermometer.
R20MK_RT FLOAT 20mK-plate original thermometer.
RHE02_RT FLOAT HE2 original thermometer.
RHE04_RT FLOAT HE4 original thermometer.
RHE06_RT FLOAT HE6 original thermometer.
RHE08_RT FLOAT HE8 original thermometer.
RHE10_RT FLOAT HE10 original thermometer.
RMC_RT FLOAT Mixing chamber original thermometer (inside MC).
RMC2_RT FLOAT Mixing chamber second thermometer (on silver wire outside MC).

Bath resistors

One column: resistance [Ohm]

DB nameDB typedescription
Rbath1 FLOAT Bath resistor 1 (94 cm from 4K flange).
Rbath2 FLOAT Bath resistor 2 (74 cm from 4K flange).
Rbath3 FLOAT Bath resistor 3 (55 cm from 4K flange).
Rbath4 FLOAT Bath resistor 4 (39 cm from 4K flange).
Rbath5 FLOAT Bath resistor 5 (22 cm from 4K flange).
Rbath6 FLOAT Bath resistor 6 (0 cm from 4K flange).
Rbath7 FLOAT Bath resistor 7 (dewar bottom).
Rbath8 FLOAT Bath resistor 8 (magnet1).
Rbath9 FLOAT Bath resistor 9 (magnet2).

MCTA wire

DB nameDB typedescription
sweep_mc_wire FLOAT Wire magnet. 3 columns: measured current [A], set current [A], voltage [V]. Written by sweeper program
sweep_mc_wire_a TEXT Wire magnet, human-readable comments about current rumps (e.g. "sweep up with rate 0.001 A/s"). Written by sweeper program.
wire_magnet_r FLOAT Magnet resistance [Ohm] measured during cooldown (datameas program).
wire_mc_pulse DOUBLE Pulsed measurements (were not used much). 3 columns: freq [Hz], 1/tau [1/s], amplitude [V]. Recorded by fork_pulse program.
wire_mc_pulse_par FLOAT Pulsed measurements (were not used much), parameters. 4 columns: excitatin frequency [Hz], cycles, p-p amplitude [V], oscilloscope scale [V].
wire_mc_cont FLOAT CW frequency sweeps. Frequency [Hz], X[V], Y[V]
wire_mc_sweeps FLOAT CW frequency sweeps, start/stop times. See graphene/scripts/graphene_sweeps
wire_mc_cont_gen FLOAT CW measurements, generator settings. 5 columns (3 last are zeros): freq [Hz], amplitude [V], phase, compensation amplitude and phase. Written by nmr_meas program.
wire_mc_cont_lockin FLOAT CW measurements, lockin settings. 2 columns: scale [V], time constant [s]. Written by nmr_meas program.
wire_mc_fits FLOAT CW fits: 13 columns (as in the fit_res program): fit accuracy; x shift value and error; y shift value and error; x driving force value and error; y driving force value and error; rezonance frequency, value and error; resocacne width, value and error.


DB nameDB typedescription
BATHD FLOAT Bath diode (on IVC flange, near Rbath6)
comments TEXT Manually-added comments (with add_comm program)

TODO ...

Weather data, Port: 8094

DB nameDB typedescription
tapiola_t FLOAT Temperature [C] in Tapiola (Espoo, Finland)
tapiola_p_sea FLOAT Pressure at sea level [hPa] in Tapiola (Espoo, Finland)
tapiola_humidity FLOAT Relative humidity [%] in Tapiola (Espoo, Finland)
tapiola_snow_aws FLOAT Snow depth [cm] in Tapiola (Espoo, Finland)
lahti_snow_aws FLOAT Snow depth [cm] in Lahti (Finland)
lohja_snow_aws FLOAT Snow depth [cm] in Lohja (Finland)
tampere_snow_aws FLOAT Snow depth [cm] in Tampere (Finland)
rovaniemi_snow_aws FLOAT Snow depth [cm] in Rovaniemi (Finland)

Various data, Port: 8089

DB nameDB typedescription
sauna FLOAT D.Z. sauna temperature [C]