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Cell-2022 for Fridge4
V.Zavjalov, Jun-Sep 2022

After explosion of cell-2020 a new one has been made in a very similar way. Nuclear stage plates, mixing chamber heat exchngers, and heat switch are taken from the old cell.

inner cells (paper + Stycast-1266), 23.06.2022
inner cells (paper + Stycast-1266), 23.06.2022
new inner cells, silver wires, nuclear stage plates from outer cell, old inner cells
new inner cells, silver wires, nuclear stage plates from outer cell, old inner cells
silver wires after annealing
silver wires after annealing
welding silver wires to nuclear stage plates for the outer cell, 12.07.2022
welding silver wires to nuclear stage plates for the outer cell, 12.07.2022
welding silver wires to nuclear stage plates for inner cells, 15.07.2022
welding silver wires to nuclear stage plates for inner cells, 15.07.2022
nuclear stage blocks for inner cells
nuclear stage blocks for inner cells
all nuclear stage blocks
all nuclear stage blocks
inner cell with windows for installing vibrating wires
inner cell with windows for installing vibrating wires
inner cells: nuclear stage and aerogel sample installed
inner cells: nuclear stage and aerogel sample installed
installing filling lines for inner cells (copper cappilary, ID=0.22, OD=0.5, L=400mm)
installing filling lines for inner cells (copper cappilary, ID=0.22, OD=0.5, L=400mm)
cells are glued together
cells are glued together
cell lids are closed, 19.07.2022
cell lids are closed, 19.07.2022
tantalum vibrating wires for inner cells
tantalum vibrating wires for inner cells
13 um vibrating wires (bolometer heaters)
13 um vibrating wires (bolometer heaters)
installing 13um wires to bolometer boxes
installing 13um wires to bolometer boxes
4.5um wires (bolometer thermometers)
4.5um wires (bolometer thermometers)
bolometer boxes with 0.5mm hole in PET wall and two vibrating wires in each
bolometer boxes with 0.5mm hole in PET wall and two vibrating wires in each
bolometer box 1 with a lid above the hole, 22.07.2022
bolometer box 1 with a lid above the hole, 22.07.2022
example of a pad with two vibrating wires (4um and 0.315um)
example of a pad with two vibrating wires (4um and 0.315um)
installing wires to inner cells
installing wires to inner cells
Araldite parts for the outer cell and GRP cover for 20mK shield (made in university workshop)
Araldite parts for the outer cell and GRP cover for 20mK shield (made in university workshop)
Nb shield for heat switch magnet and coil former for compensation coil
Nb shield for heat switch magnet and coil former for compensation coil
making compensation coil, 29.07.2022
making compensation coil, 29.07.2022
heat switch magnet with Nb shield and compensation coil
heat switch magnet with Nb shield and compensation coil
old heat switch with mixing chamber flange, heat switch magnet
old heat switch with mixing chamber flange, heat switch magnet
start making connector panel for mixing chamber flange
start making connector panel for mixing chamber flange
pressure gauge before installing to mixing chamber flange
pressure gauge before installing to mixing chamber flange
connector holder and pressure gauge on the mixing chamber flange
connector holder and pressure gauge on the mixing chamber flange
new connector for mixing chamber vibrating wire and fork
new connector for mixing chamber vibrating wire and fork
connector panel
connector panel
other side
other side
new design of vibrating wires
new design of vibrating wires
NbTi threads and bonded to PCB with Al wire (thanks to Dima and Mike)
NbTi threads and bonded to PCB with Al wire (thanks to Dima and Mike)
pad with 180nm and 315nm wires
pad with 180nm and 315nm wires
all vibrating wires are installed, leak testing inner cells, 13.08.2022
all vibrating wires are installed, leak testing inner cells, 13.08.2022
bottom side of inner cells, bolometer boxes and filling lines
bottom side of inner cells, bolometer boxes and filling lines
nuclear stage for the outer cell
nuclear stage for the outer cell
start assembling outer cell
start assembling outer cell
top side
top side
bottom side
bottom side
new cell holder
new cell holder
bottom flange of outer cell and Macor rod
bottom flange of outer cell and Macor rod
tantalum wire for the outer cell
tantalum wire for the outer cell
closing top side of the outer cell
closing top side of the outer cell
closing bottom side of the outer cell
closing bottom side of the outer cell
arranging wires
arranging wires
cell volume measurement
cell volume measurement
before welding silver wires between nuclear stage and heat switch
before welding silver wires between nuclear stage and heat switch
welding is done, 29.08.2022
welding is done, 29.08.2022
finish soldering of the connector plate
finish soldering of the connector plate
cell heaters (40um Eureca wire)
cell heaters (40um Eureca wire)
heaters wrapped in Ag plates
heaters wrapped in Ag plates
heaters mounted on the cell
heaters mounted on the cell
welded connecton of compensation coil wires (NbTi in coper matrix - NbTi in CuNi matrix)
welded connecton of compensation coil wires (NbTi in coper matrix -> NbTi in CuNi matrix)
connector for compensation coil (Nb plates welded to inner core of superconductive wire)
connector for compensation coil (Nb plates welded to inner core of superconductive wire)
before installing cell to the cryostat
before installing cell to the cryostat
cell installed to the cryostat, all lines connected 02.09.2022
cell installed to the cryostat, all lines connected 02.09.2022
20mK sheild and Macor spacer
20mK sheild and Macor spacer