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Cell-2020 for Fridge4
V.Zavjalov, 2020-2021

Outer cell

A cylinder made of glass reinforced nylon (GRP). ID=40, OD=50, IL=80mm. I did a few tests at high pressure: first cell broke at 13 bar, second one at about 2.5 bar. Then I realised that this happens because of too fast cooling. The third cell survived 35 bar, the forth cell is the final make.

The cell #4 is made of a tube and two cups with threaded connections (assembled with Stycast-2850FT). I also wrapped it with fishing line to make walls more ridgid (not sure how useful it was).

start making outer cell N1, 24.07.2020
start making outer cell N1, 24.07.2020
pressure test N1, 09.09,2020
pressure test N1, 09.09,2020
cell broke at 13bar
cell broke at 13bar
parts of outer cell N2
parts of outer cell N2
cell N2 broke at 2.5 bar, now its clear that cooling was too fast
cell N2 broke at 2.5 bar, now it's clear that cooling was too fast
cells N1 .. N4, 3.12.2020.
cells N1 .. N4, 3.12.2020.
mixing chamber flange, coil former for heat switch magnet, Nb shield, cell support, 25.09.2020
mixing chamber flange, coil former for heat switch magnet, Nb shield, cell support, 25.09.2020

Heat switch

Heat switch is a piece of aluminium inside a magnet. When magnetic field is off it's superconductive (low heat conductivity) when field is on it's normal (high heat conductivity).

An important parameter of a heat switch is resistance in normal state - small resistance means good thermal conductance. We use pure aluminium and pure annealed silver. It's not trivial to make a good contact between aluminium and silver: one should avoid both aluminium oxide and mutial diffusion of metals at the interface. There are many methods how to make the contact. In Lancaster spot-welding is used. Silver wire is heated by graphite electrode and pushed into aluminium. The process is fast (~1s) and mutual diffusion of metals is small. Best heat switches have resistance about 10 nOhm, bad heat switches - above 10 uOhm. This one is about 2 uOhm/wire, the bottleneck is thin silver wires.

The heat switch is done as a pair of discs connected with a cylindircal leg. This is done to avoid direct path between silver wires and reduce possible heat transfer along vortices in superconductive state. The final version has 6 cuts on the top disk and 8 cuts on the buttom one, to separate all wires (we want to disconnect cells from each other) and reduce eddy current heating when changing magnetic field.

spot welder for making heat switch
spot welder for making heat switch
graphite welding tips
graphite welding tips
machining Al for heat switch
machining Al for heat switch
test welding
test welding
measuring resistance
measuring resistance
making cuts in the heat switch, 24.12.2020
making cuts in the heat switch, 24.12.2020
top side
top side
bottom side
bottom side
heat switch with welded silver wires; mixing chamber flange
heat switch with welded silver wires; mixing chamber flange
making the heat switch magnet
making the heat switch magnet
heat switch magnet
heat switch magnet

Heat exchangers for the mixing chamber

To transfer heat from silver wires to the mixing chamber of dilution refrigerator we use heat exchangers made of sintered silver powder. Silver powder is pressed in a form and then quickly heated to ~150C to sinter silver particles. Higer temperature or longer heating results in degrading of surface area. One heat exchanger contains 6g of powder and has 25-30 m^2 area.

silver wires
silver wires
spot-welding machine
spot-welding machine
wires welded to silver foils
wires welded to silver foils
annealing silver parts
annealing silver parts
silver powder
silver powder
form for making sinters
form for making sinters
making sinters
making sinters
sinters wrapped in paper
sinters wrapped in paper
how it looks at the end
how it looks at the end

Nuclear stage

1mm thick annealed copper plates covered with 0.1mm layer of silver sinter.

copper plates for the nuclear stage, 12.11.2020
copper plates for the nuclear stage, 12.11.2020
making bevel on one side, rough surface, side cuts
making bevel on one side, rough surface, side cuts
silver covering
silver covering
form for making sinters and cell for measuring surface area
form for making sinters and cell for measuring surface area
spreading powder in the form
spreading powder in the form
plates covered with sinter
plates covered with sinter
welding pairs of plates together
welding pairs of plates together
welding 4 pairs together in zig-zag way
welding 4 pairs together in zig-zag way
more plates
more plates
filling lines for inner cells wrapped around nuclear stege blocks
filling lines for inner cells wrapped around nuclear stege blocks

Inner cells

Two paper+Stycast boxes with 16 nuclear stage plates in each. Aegogel sample in the cell #1. Each cell contains three vibrating wires: 127um tantalum wire, 4.5um NbTi wire, 0.45um NbTi wire.

paper boxes
paper boxes
both cells, aerogel sample
both cells, aerogel sample
measuring surface area of aerogel
measuring surface area of aerogel
measuring surface area of paper spacers
measuring surface area of paper spacers
tantalum vibrating wire
tantalum vibrating wire
glueing tantalum wires
glueing tantalum wires
tantalum wires inside cells
tantalum wires inside cells
4.5um wire
4.5um wire
4.5um wire under microscope
4.5um wire under microscope
glueing 4.5um wires
glueing 4.5um wires
assembling both cells, nuclear stage plates, filling lines
assembling both cells, nuclear stage plates, filling lines
closing cell cover
closing cell cover
inner cells with all nuclear stage plates
inner cells with all nuclear stage plates
test how inner cells fit the outer cell
test how inner cells fit the outer cell
glueing 0.45um wire
glueing 0.45um wire
glueing tantalum wire for the outer cell
glueing tantalum wire for the outer cell
bottom part of inner cells
bottom part of inner cells
top part of inner cells; all leads are soldered
top part of inner cells; all leads are soldered
upper flange of the cell
upper flange of the cell

NMR thermometer

In this cell I wanted to play with copper NMR thermometers (and replace copper with platinum later, if everything works). I made four copper probes, RF coils, and NMR solenoid. The solenoid was located in a gap between two niobium shields. Unfortunately it's very hard to get homogeneous field in this configuration (it's too sensitive to exact dimensions of the coil system). I found CW NMR line from copper, but it was too wide. NMR solenoid was used later to protect heat switch Nb shield from strong field of the main magnet.

Probes are made of high-purity annealed copper to avoid quadrupole intrinsic field (annealing is not that important for Pt) and to increase thermal conductivity. Thin foils are used to reduce skin effect and to decrease eddy current heating by RF field.

2mm-wide foil stripes (0.1mm copper) for making NMR probes
2mm-wide foil stripes (0.1mm copper) for making NMR probes
24 foils are welded together
24 foils are welded together
pressing to ~2mm thickness
pressing to ~2mm thickness
after grinding
after grinding
cut one end and separate foils
cut one end and separate foils
probes after annealing
probes after annealing
paper between foils
paper between foils
probes are ready
probes are ready
probe under microscope
probe under microscope
RF coils
RF coils
making NMR solenoid
making NMR solenoid
a nice coil-winding machine made by Roch S.
a nice coil-winding machine made by Roch S.
the solenoid and niobium shield
the solenoid and niobium shield

Assembling the cell

wires from inner cells go to NMR thermometers inside thin-wall GRP tubes
wires from inner cells go to NMR thermometers inside thin-wall GRP tubes
heat switch magnet
heat switch magnet
place for NMR thermometers
place for NMR thermometers
GRP holders for cell filling lines
GRP holders for cell filling lines
GRP holder for RF coils
GRP holder for RF coils
welding silver wires between cell and heat switch
welding silver wires between cell and heat switch
welding NMR thermometer probes
welding NMR thermometer probes
NMR thermometers
NMR thermometers
probes should not touch RF coils
probes should not touch RF coils
heaters (Eureca wire)
heaters (Eureca wire)
cell before installing to the cryostat
cell before installing to the cryostat
cell on the cryostat
cell on the cryostat
wires are connected
wires are connected
niobium shield is on the place
niobium shield is on the place

fixing leaks in the cell, 06.2021-01.2022

Between spring 2021 and spring 2022 we found a fixed a few leaks in the dilution refigerator and the cell:

leak test with liquid nitrogen, 10.2021
leak test with liquid nitrogen, 10.2021
separating parts of the cell
separating parts of the cell
upper part of the cell is filled with Stycast - no result
upper part of the cell is filled with Stycast - no result
cutting cell from the heat switch
cutting cell from the heat switch
machining the cell
machining the cell
removing wire isolation
removing wire isolation
new cell holder
new cell holder
welding cell to heat switch
welding cell to heat switch
crack in the mixing chamber
crack in the mixing chamber
cell in the cryostat, 12.2021
cell in the cryostat, 12.2021
cover the whole cell with Stycast, leak is still there
cover the whole cell with Stycast, leak is still there
new heaters
new heaters
filling lines
filling lines
pressure gauge
pressure gauge
testing Stycast; one sample has a "bad" surface
testing Stycast; one sample has a "bad" surface

Cell after explosion, 06.2022

After sucsessful experiment in April-May 2022 the cell has exploded because of a fault of a power supply.