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Experiment with second sound in He-4

V.Z., Helsinki, 2016

A small unfinished project for measuring second sound in heluim-4. Plan was to study graphene with it.

An old 1K setup was improved. New gas-handling system for it was made (later it was used for other projects).

Fist version of the cell was built and cooled down to 1.5 K. It was a cylindrical volume with resistive heater on one side and thermometers on another.

V1 cell
V1 cell
top flange with a heater and filling line
top flange with a heater and filling line
another design of the heater
another design of the heater
bottom flange, RuO thermeters and filling line
bottom flange, RuO thermeters and filling line

Second version was not finished. Cell with better connections and Nuclepore transmitter/recievers was almost done. It was a hard technical task to make a suspended Nuclepore membrane with capacity readout. Later I heard that putting the membrane directly to the metal plate also works.

V2 cell DXF(nuclepore2)
V2 cell DXF(nuclepore2)
parts for V2 cell
parts for V2 cell
Nuclepore membrane, first design  DXF(nuclepore2)
Nuclepore membrane, first design DXF(nuclepore2)
making Nuclepore transmitter/receivers
making Nuclepore transmitter/receivers
a ring of kapton tape is added
a ring of kapton tape is added
glued together with silver epoxy
glued together with silver epoxy
Nuclepore membrane, second design DXF(nuclepore2)
Nuclepore membrane, second design DXF(nuclepore2)
second design of Nuclepore transmitters/receivers
second design of Nuclepore transmitters/receivers


Cernox thermometer:

Nuclepore membrane: